Gun Rocks presentation at NAS 2018 Conference

Over the two  days, attendees at the Nautical Archaeology Society 2018 Conference presented a multitude of fascinating presentations from individuals and groups, highlighting the  recent innovations and ground-breaking work being undertaken in the field of maritime archaeology, and updating members with fascinating finds and incredible projects. I learned about a range of projects being undertaken across the UK, with much emphasis on recording data, to enable retrieval and access by interested parties, using the internet.

One project which really stood out is the Forgotten Wrecks of the First World War project by the Maritime Archaeology Trust. They have created a huge data-base, with lots of wreck information in it. The project funding is coming to a close, but it would be brilliant if the data-base could be expanded upon, to include wrecks around the country and of different ages. A huge resource!

The Gun Rocks talk was given at 11 am on the Sunday Morning, and was televised on the Nautical Archaeology Society YouTube channel. You can watch it HERE! The talk seemed to be well received, which is great, even being mentioned in the summing up at the end of the Conference. Following the talk, the creation of this website seemed to peak quite a bit of interest too, so if you are reading this, and have questions about how I set up the website, do ask! 

Nic Faulks – NAS conference 2018

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