What a strange year it has been. Back in early March, the intention had been to rearrange the trail slightly to make a circular route around the cannon, to reinstall the shot for the start of the trail (the buoy washed away in November 2019!); and to do some metal detecting. But alas, none of that has happened in 2020.
During lockdown however, research has continued and emails have been exchanged. In April I received an interesting email via this website saying that they had dived the site with their dad many years ago and still had a sword hilt.
Andrews message read: Hi there I have a preserved sword handle that I found on the rocks my father’s friend dived the rocks in in the late 60s and 70s and found sword handles; however, not preserved as the one I found with my dad. The one we found is brass and still has remnants of wood inside, it’s sphere shaped and has a square hole where a n end piece of the sword would have finished. He very kindly supplied a photograph of the sword hit too.

So fingers crossed, and here’s to 2021 being more of a normal year, so that work can continue and we can done some more mapping and metal detecting!